Learning the New Choreography (Messages of Divine Love)
September 9, 2024 / The Mystic Spiral Tarot
These Messages of Divine Love are weekly intuitive card readings offered to share strength & hope for those building a heart-centered world. Sharing messages from our collective guides, Mother Earth, the ancients watching over us with a quick peek into what our future selves want us to know and how my protectress, Mother Mary, can add love to get us through the week. Each message includes chakra themes that help center our energy. I will post any extras on Patreon (paid): Temple of the Rose Gold Heart. Your subscription here is always FREE.
There is a strong "Apprentice" energy this week. Chapters have closed, doors have opened and we are getting ready to launch into the unknown of a new life. We have been taken under someone’s wing, but we might find ourselves bristling, “Stop telling me what to do! I have experience here.” Yes, we do…but not the same kind of experience as this. We’re new here, be mindful of those who came before us because we don’t yet know how little we actually know.
The unknown is what's getting to us. The temptation to control for all of our worries and fears, to be in a position of superiority of knowledge/experience might pull us toward arrogant resistance. This is a flaw of the conditioning - because surety is safety, but nothing is assured in this new world. This is why we have to approach the world with some humility - there is no way for each of us to know everything, so be open to learning something.
I've been saying for months that each of us has something to bring to humanity's table. Each of us has a part to play...but we're no longer playing the small roles we rehearsed for. We've been called to the front to show off what we can do. We have to learn a whole new choreography, which will give us a greater appreciation for our predecessors (especially those in leadership). We will fall flat on our faces at least once or twice before we get it right...do it anyway. This week, even the small victories matter.
Even if you're the understudy called into service this one and only time - it's your time to shine - so take full advantage of all the learning that comes with it. Lean into the moment and soak up what others have to contribute. And when all else fails, throw your passion into it and just show up as yourself - that's often the most impressive feat of all.
Live Reading on 9/14 for Patrons only!
Before I go onto the reading, I wanted to let you know that this Saturday, Sept 14th @ 1 pm MTN I will be hosting a live reading event exclusive for my paid patrons. Watch as I pull the cards for the monthly Messages of Divine Love/Shadow Work Consult and answer Patron questions with mini-readings. Join at any paid level to get access to the invite!
Where We Are This Week
King of Swords (R)
Throat Chakra
We can’t be so tethered to our sense of superiority that we won’t listen to someone who has just as much, if not more, experience. That’s how every disaster movie starts (My idea is that every disaster movie is a movie about the failure of public policy - change my mind in the comments). Even professions that have “cultural competency” as a norm do themselves a disservice when they don’t recognize that competency is no substitute for humility when it comes to listening to someone’s lived experience. No one can know everything, so it’s best to check the ego at the door and realize that the lessons being offered are to make us better, not shame us into defensiveness. Lay down the swords and listen.
Messages from our Guides
Knave (Page) of Pentacles
Root Chakra
I’m not sure how it happened, but a lot of us have some very distorted ideas about the world. When a local city council person declares, “Our opinions aren’t up for debate,” I can’t think of a better time to call a time-out and make sure all of us are on the same page about some fundamentals - like the difference between facts and opinion. Be very, very clear with your needs and desires. Begin with the most basic components of a concept as we are building this new world, even if they seem obvious to you. Make sure we’re operating from the same definitions, for example, or are comparing the right things to one another. Strip it all down to the core components and don’t take anything (or anyone’s understanding) for granted.
Messages from Lady Gaia/Mother Earth
Knave (Page) of Wands
Solar Plexus Chakra
Don’t underestimate the role of passion in the learning of the tools and trade of your new role. It’s what helps you get up in the morning, it’s what motivates you to pick yourself back up when you fall. The more of your pure passion that you can pour into this new chapter, the more it will feel and look like you. Be dutiful in your studies and steadfast in your ambition, but if you don’t have passion, none of it will matter. Do the thing that makes you come alive. The rest will sort itself out.
Messages from the Ancients
Six of Chalices (R)
Sacral Chakra
Ancestral healing is not easy. Not every ancestor looks so great on closer examination. Some don’t even have their stories recorded at all. Some names and birthdates have been lost to shoddy record-keeping, identities changed, and accomplishments that were claimed by others. This week we’re going to see a not-so-great part of our past, something that we or our ancestors might cringe upon now. It’s worth taking a look, enduring the vulnerability needed to unravel these stories for healing in our present time today. Especially with the anniversary of 9/11 this week, taking a look at how our stories are misinterpreted, and flattened by the past, matters a lot in how we choose to move into our future.
Messages from our Future Selves
Ten of Pentacles (R)
Crown Chakra
Be sure you aren’t leaving money on the table by not asking for your worth today. This is something I have to constantly remind myself of as a business owner - as accessible as I am to those who have the least ability to pay, I also need to be able to put food on the table. But I’m not going to accomplish that goal if I don’t ask for the payment I need to make that happen. It doesn’t mean to be exploitative, but if we aren’t forging a healthier connection to currency, the current of the bargained-for exchange (whether it be goods, services, cash, or energetic healing), then we are selling ourselves short and creating inequalities in our future.
Messages from Mother Mary
Eight of Swords (R)
Heart Chakra
Because this card crosses between the Ancients and the Future selves, Mother Mary’s card points from the pink sky of the Ancients’ card to the green possibility of the future. However, how we treat those past versions of ourselves and our ancestors will make all the difference in the future we choose to create. If we can find value and love in those ancestors’ stories, no matter how distorted or locked in patriarchy they were, we will build a better understanding of why we need to fight for our worth now. But the more harsh and judgmental we are, it’s like we’ve stapled ourselves to the public humiliation/undeserving bulletin board. Take yourself down from the self-punishment cross and allow something to grow for once.
King of Wands
Third Eye Chakra
For both the King of Wands and the King of Swords to be reversed in one week, watch out for the forces of self-righteousness and control to rear their ugly heads. We are living in a time of patriarchy’s downfall, so don’t be surprised to find undercurrents of misogyny and “women/queers/anyone different should know their place”. This is the only trick they know and they’re going to ride it out until the very end. It doesn’t mean these forces won’t try other ways to integrate doubt, fear, and suspicion into the mix. We will have to be vigilant and don’t take the future for granted. Not all is as it seems and we will have to be steadfast in our vision to resist the lure back to old ways of suppressing, controlling, and succumbing. We need to be solid in our sovereignty now more than ever, but not so much that we miss crucial information that will help us expand.
Final Advice
The Emperor
Sacral Chakra
This card keeps popping up out of nowhere. We are close to a reckoning with how the masculine has been twisted into an arm of control and oppression. We are going to see more men truly delving into the depths of their emotions, pulling out the pain and hurt, yes, but ultimately releasing themselves from the long-held lies of denial that kept them from truly seeing and loving themselves fully. If you know me, you know I celebrate the men in my life who have done the heavy lifting to reach a space where they can truly shine as they are. Many will be healing from this collective wound for years to come - reckoning with how we reinforce stereotypes of toughness, greed or solitary stoicism is a big way for us to ensure we aren’t creating a world that expects the same.
I love watching behind-the-scenes featurettes on movies and TV shows. One thing that consistently gets overlooked is how quickly a scene could change overnight, and how utterly adaptable the actors have to be. From a change in how a scene is blocked to the hasty words for a scene they never saw before they now have to convincingly deliver with trust and precision. Even as an understudy in the theater, you could know your lines and have rehearsed your part, but it’s all in what you bring to the stage with you during the performance that matters. And a lack of preparation will show.
What I love about the behind-the-scenes feature for Game of Thrones in particular is that regardless of what you thought of the final season, you get a true sense of the ways that productions of this scale must stay adaptable - with shifting timelines, changing conditions, and enormous pressure to perform perfectly for fans. This willingness to throw yourself in and do the best work you can do even if it isn’t received well is the kind of bravery we each can embody this week.
We don’t need excuse-makers and people who think they’re too good to put the work in. Who cares if you’re new, who cares if no one your age/rank/ability has ever done this before - do it anyway and do it to the absolute best of your ability. That means showing up with enough vulnerability and eagerness to learn to absorb the best of what is offered in each opportunity.
These are the same lessons I learned growing up. For those of us who come from Pueblo, southern Colorado & northern New Mexico, we carry an embodied adaptability in our veins, a determined ability to weather every storm, to make the most of our surroundings, to burrow into survival like it’s our home. Yet still shine with an audacious purity that few understand, but we each recognize in one another. To be a Puebloan is to know that while others might undervalue our worth, we know how deep our roots run and interconnect to create a fabric of silver linings from the pride of perpetual underdogs.
Or so I’ve been told about how my energy comes off. It’s only in researching my family that I realized we’ve had ties to the Pueblo area for centuries. Whether as traders, miners, steelworkers, or patrolmen, the border crossed them and delivered me into the arms of Bells-Rings-Blue Bessemer. That chingona Pueblo pride lives in my veins and beats the vibration of a Colorado sunset blazing across the mesa through a thunderstorm. Going home, especially at this time of year is a sigh of autumnal relief. Chile season evokes my favorite memories - from the spooky nights at the Nature Center to the Bell Game to late night parties out on the mesa to going to bonfires with boys down by the creek who used the chilly nights as an excuse to pull me in tighter into their lettermen jackets. There is no time of year I feel more connected to my past than right now, no time I feel closer to my ancestry than right now.
This trip is meant to be not just a heart-opener, but a chance to consider how I can give back to my hometown. I care deeply about guaranteed income as a policy directive, strengthening food networks through community-supported agriculture which supports both farmers and marginalized communities if done right. I care also about trauma-informed policy and would love to find out more about who’s doing it well down there. Because I’m not helping anyone if I am reinventing the wheel or replicating what others can do better. The humility of knowing I’m not the best educated about these issues or my hometown, I am re-learning my place and remembering that my role, especially now, is to learn and support.
My best advice as we each approach some lessons this week: keep your sense of humor intact and realize we have more help than it might seem. What is new today will become easy within 6 months.
No matter how these Messages find you this week, know that I am always with you in love 💖