Why subscribe?

Because I want you to see the world through my lens …. just for a minute. Sure, I have my opinions, but I’m also transparent about my framework and I share it all with you. By subscribing you get to see a different perspective, to see our problems from a new angle and maybe even start seeing yourself a new way too.

Because heart-centered leaders deserve support and connection. By subscribing you join others who care about being part of a heart-centered movement, about creating a more loving world.

Because I am a bisexual, disabled, Chicana, polyamorous and geeky writer with healing tendencies. I worked too long in law, politics and nonprofit to blindly accept spirit without reason. I’m also a visionary, mystic, reiki practioner, and spiritual coach with a dirty data habit. I can’t make a decision without evidence, but never let the evidence sully my empathy. By subscribing you get the benefit of all of my experience and knowledge, but also my vulnerability and strength.

Because with all the people I know, from every corner of the globe, with social media consuming our lives, I wanted a more consistent, opt-in sort of way to share a piece of my heart with you. I see you and this is my way of reaching out, not matter where you are, letting you know you’re not alone.

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You’ll get access to essays and insights meant to spark the heart and soothe the soul, including new writings, archived posts and more.

Plus, you’ll get the weekly Messages of Divine Love in your inbox each week so it’s easy to find and you don’t have to wait for a notice from my blog or social media when it goes live.

Join the team

I’m building a heart-centered team of emerging and established leaders who care about building a better world, transforming our communities and reaching boldly for an interconnected and more loving future.

(To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.)

Subscribe to Radical Reflections of Love

Heart-centered insights to spark the heart and soothe the soul.


Social justice attorney turned healer, writer & educator ❤️‍🔥Sharing Messages of Divine Love 💖Training emerging heart-centered leaders ✨Bi/queer polyamorous, disabled geeky Colorado Chicana bruja💃 she/her