Sep 25Liked by JKRose 💖 SharpSweetBella

Incredible. Thank you for sharing all of this and confirming the energetic static and craziness that I've been feeling over here as well. That "crickets" feeling has been particularly disorienting. It's like that harvest moon just scrambled everything and just now the pieces are settling back into place, but all rearranged. 🙃

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I didn't mention this in the post, but that moon/eclipse was a doozy. For me, it's been going from a really invigorating situationship that served my higher self to utter silence on the other end. There are reasons, of course, but it's like all the good wind in my sails suddenly died down to make me aware of old patterns trying to lure me back into complacency and self-restriction. Stay strong...I hope this spiritual weather passes soon.

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I've been riding the energy as best as I can. The eclipse hit hard and, again, just shook everything up in really deep ways. We didn't have the energy to go to HECK in Denver. It hit across relationships and dynamics and in some ways we're still reeling. Mercy was affected worse than I was (she's a water sign). I hope it passes as well. Today felt better, for me at least.

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Sep 24Liked by JKRose 💖 SharpSweetBella

This one hit home immediately.

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I'm glad to hear it - sending you love for this wild, wacky journey of ours. Anything I could do to support you?

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Grateful as always. I’d love to do readings again with you. It’s just finding time.

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